Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pregnancy Update

I am currently 2 days away from being 6 months pregnant.  I'm so happy that I am going to be a mom to a mini me.  All my life I dreamed of this perfect moment but never knew all the complications that came along with certain pregnancies.  I am being monitored for something they call Velamentous Cord Insertion.  Its pretty scary when you google it but I have all the faith in my heavenly father that I will give birth to a healthy baby girl.  I can't tell you enough how much my heart hurts from the thought of anything happening and how much I stress.  I know I shouldn't stress but its something that comes with pregnancy when you are worried about your child.  Many nights I sit and cry or just think about all the things that can happen, but in the back of my mind I know everything will come out just fine.  My mind is set at enjoying the rest of my pregnancy and going in with a positive mind, I will fight to my last breath if I have to!  I'm scheduled for my 3rd follow up May 6th I will keep you updated. :-)


  1. this is such a precious moment, you are going to have a mini-you rocking red bottoms early and always the stylish girl in class. you are going to be a fabulous mommy and the big day will come before you know it. cant wait for updates

  2. Good luck with everything mamma and dont stress you are young and strong and everything will be fine.

  3. don't stress girl! I know it's easier said than done but you are super strong and you and your baby will be in good hands! Good luck and I'm pulling for you!

  4. I know I am late but...Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
